I went through my first visual journal and picked out the pages that I thought were the best. To my surprise, there were more than I remembered. Since there were so many, I had to split up how many would be in each post so that I wouldn't bored you to tears ;) I will try to finish these up within the next few days and then move on to the good stuff!
This is the first page in my first visual journal. My art teacher at the time told me she does this in each of her journals: makes a page with the first letter of her first name and does the page in a way that represents who she is. This is a good way to start of your journal if you are thinking about starting one. To make this page I used watercolor paper and cut out the K. Then I drew circles that I painted with watercolors. I used rubber cement to glue the paper down in my visual journal.
This page really isn't that great but it's the truth. My dad can make me laugh no matter what, even when I'm mad. He's been there for me through everything and supports my dreams and goals I've set for myself. I can't imagine my life without him and I pray that God keep us together for a long time. He is truly the BEST dad in the world :)
The background says "figure of speech". I probably came up with this one day in class because I was bored, but I don't remember since I made this 3 years ago. Oh well.
There is one tiny detail that slipped my mind...not everyone is an artist or has taken an art class. So, a visual journal is just a hardback book that you can put whatever you want in it. This isn't ruining a book either. Throwing a book in a fire is ruining a book. (I love to read so I understand!) The pages in your visual journal can be about anything and you can use any kind of materials: magazine images, gesso, ink, charcoal, colored pencil, etc. You can also make a cover for your book. (I'll do a post about that later) Be creative! Your visual journal is meant to represent you!
-Kalin ♥